Tarpon and Permit Puerto Rico Spring 2025
Capt. Scott Barmby of Rock On Charter Fishing and Fly School USA LLC is hosting 3 AND 5 days of exciting Tarpon and Permit fishing at No Name Lodge in PR..
Located on Puerto Rico’s West coast, Boquerón is a small fishing town directly on the water surrounded by authentic Puerto Rican restaurants and happening downtown bars.
The lodge is located right on the water and a short 5-minute walk from the happening local downtown strip of Boquerón. Feel free to explore the sights and bars on your own, self-exploration and adventure are one of the aspects that set No Name Lodge apart from other fishing lodges.
The Fishing
“Small operation” “Big fishing opportunities”
Hosting no more than six anglers each week, perfect for small groups of anglers or friends and families that love to fish together.
You will be hunting tarpon on the flats on in the mangrove bays. The Tarpon have not seen much fishing pressure and don’t see many flies! …..Morning is top water! Throwing gurglers at 15-40 pound “poons.” Then on to hunt larger fish cruising the flats in the afternoon.
Permit are always an elusive cory. Pancake-style flats “tailing” permit are the norm and the amount of shots wading or from a skiff are more than most other destinations. They are still permit and will make you work for one. Majestic views of the reef and plenty of tails paint the picture of permit fishing in PR.

Guides and Equipment
Each day begins with you and your guide trailering the skiffs to the town ramp, taking about 20 minutes on quiet rural roads. La Parguera is a tiny community located on the southern shores of Puerto Rico, where the skiffs will be launched from a boat ramp. The average travel time in the skiff to start fishing is 5-15 minutes, depending on the target species.
Maverick skiffs are what a majority of professional guides run in the USA and that will be your ride every day!! Four-stroke 90 HP engines and equipped with poling platforms, carbon push poles, Yeti coolers, and all gear you may need. Unlike some tropical destinations, there will be no disparity between boats, gear, and guides on your trip. Each guide is a certified captain by the US Coastguard and will be operating their skiffs professionally as a result. The guides have spare terminal tackle, fly rods ETC… and flies.
What do you need to bring??
Permit - 8-10 WT
Tarpon - 9-12 WT
Leader …We use 60+ tippet for the bigger poons and 15-20 for the Permit.
Line. Float and intermediate.
Flies. Tarpon natural black/purple baitfish and toads (1/0-4/0) Permit recommend a mix of flats crabs (olive), strong arms (olive) and urchins.
If you will be traveling without your own rods and reels, just let us know and we will have you “hooked up.”
What are the dates and the $$$ ???
Ok… The $$
2025 Rates: $3800-5500 + Tax and Gratuity
3-day trip 3/5-3/9 2025
5-day Trip November 2025
Great tune up for Florida Tarpon season or just a "I am sick of winter and need to go fishing" trip.
More info???